
How To Get Fresh Breath – A Much-needed Guide To Personal Care

Oral Care



You might be surprised to know this, but your habits with food are not only bad for your stomach, but it is also bad for your breath. Before we delve into today’s topic of bad breath, let’s throw judgement out of the window as everybody gets bad breaths with some people more than others. In addition to hygiene, there are other factors that lead to bad breath from our mouth.

What’s astonishing is that there are some people who have perfectly good breath but are constantly worried that they might have bad breath, and there are other people who have terrible breath and do not have a single clue about it.

Whatever may be the case, one should certainly not carry around such a bad odour as there are many home remedies for bad breath and expert-approved ways to get rid of that stinky smell. In this blog today, we will provide you with an essential guide to personal grooming.

What are the origins of bad breath?

If we are to have that conversation, bad breath generally comes from the mouth. It is the place where the bacteria are always present. During the times when you eat, there are little portions that get stuck into your teeth. While some of these portions are noticeable, most of these are not noticeable at all. Bacteria usually grow on these food bits and release a foul odour.

The most common cause of bad breath is bad dental hygiene. If you floss often and do not brush, the bacteria in your mouth will keep on growing, and a thin film of bacteria, which is known as plaque, will keep on forming. When the plaque is not washed away at least twice a day, it produces a foul odour, which slowly leads to tooth decay.

Almost all solid foods get stuck on your teeth, but some foods like garlic and onions are the biggest reasons for bad breath. Sulphur compounds get released in the bloodstream during the digestion of the foods. And when the blood gets to your lungs, it impacts your breath.

Tips to kick out bad breath and welcome fresh breath

As we mentioned earlier, there are many bad breath solutions out there. Following are some of the home remedies and other tips on how to get good breath:

  • Brush after eating

    It is a good habit to brush every time you eat. You may consider brushing your teeth after meals at least twice a day utilising a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Toothpaste that comes with antibacterial properties is shown to reduce bad breath. Therefore, make it a habit of brushing your teeth after a meal, and if you can, make some new introductions for your toothpaste.

  • Reduce the consumption of Alcohol

    We know it sounds horrible. However, in many studies, it has been found that the consumption of Alcohol can play a big part in bad breath. Alcohol can severely damage the oral microbiome or the microorganisms that are found in the human cavity, which is essential for our health. It also has a huge say in maintaining a normal and stable oral ecological balance. A damaged microbiome is something that causes your mouth to get really dry, which leads to bad breath. You can do a one-week evaluation. Cut down your alcohol consumption from day 1 and check your breath every morning. You will see a drastic change in the odour of your breath.

  • Include yoghurt in your diet.

    Yoghurt is considered the best friend of your gut. It actually contains a healthy bacteria that is known as lactobacillus. These sorts of healthy bacteria assist your body in tackling and combating the various bad bacteria. There is much research that shows that after 6 weeks of moderate yoghurt consumption, there was a drastic decrease in bad odours in many people. The probiotics that are present in the yoghurt are effective in reducing bad breath.

  • Cleaning of your tongue

    According to many experts around the world, your tongue is the host of many bacteria that play a big role in bad odour. There are many oxygen-hating bacteria that are known as anaerobic bacteria. As they do not like fresh air, they tend to stick deep into your mouth’s surface, causing inflammation and, most importantly, stinking breath in your mouth.

  • Say Yes to more water.

    Strictly avoid any tobacco products and drink plenty of water. The idea is to never have a dry mouth. Therefore, consider chewing gum and being hydrated to not welcome any sort of bad odour to your mouth.


Wrapping Up

Fresh breath is something that every individual longs for. While the home remedies for bad breath are there to help you with bad breath, making a change to your hygiene, like adopting Dabur Meswak, can have a positive impact on your oral health.


  • Why is brushing as important as flossing?

    If you floss often and do not brush, the bacteria in your mouth will keep on growing, and a thin film of bacteria, which is known as plaque, will keep on forming.

  • How bad hygiene leads to tooth decay?

    When the plaque is not washed away at least twice a day, it produces a foul odour, which slowly leads to tooth decay.

  • Which is the ideal toothpaste to help with bad breath?

    You may consider brushing your teeth after meals at least twice a day utilising a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Toothpaste that comes with antibacterial properties is shown to reduce bad breath.

  • How Yogurt helps with bad breath?

    The probiotics that are present in the yoghurt are effective in reducing bad breath.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice.