
Diet and Tooth Sensitivity: Foods That Help and Foods That Worsen Sensitivity

Oral Care



Do you flinch when biting into ice cream? Or wince when sipping hot soup. If temperatures trigger tooth twinges, you likely have sensitive teeth. Nearly one in three adults deal with this annoying and often painful issue. The good news! Your diet plays a major role, with certain foods helping calm symptoms and others exacerbating the sensitivity. Read on to discover the best and worst foods for sensitive chompers so you can dial down the discomfort.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Understanding what causes sensitivity will help you pinpoint problematic foods in your diet. Tooth sensitivity results from enamel loss and exposure of the softer dentin layer underneath. Dentin contains thousands of microscopic tubules leading to the nerve-rich tooth pulp. Temperature changes, sugary or acidic foods, abrasive brushing, and grinding or clenching can all trigger pain signals from these unprotected dentin tubules. 

As the loss of protective enamel is irreversible, your diet is vital in preventing sensitivity flair-ups. Moreover, you must check on the tooth sensitivity remedy for pain relief.

Foods to Eat for Healthy, Less Sensitive Teeth

While no food can reverse existing enamel loss and dentin exposure, several foods actively support dental health and may calm painful sensitivity symptoms.

1. Dairy

Calcium-rich dairy products help strengthen tooth enamel and may even help stimulate natural enamel regrowth. Smart choices include cheddar cheese, milk, unsweetened Greek yoghurt, and cottage cheese. Just avoid added sugars and excessive lactose if you're sensitive.  

2. Pineapple

Bromelain, an enzyme naturally found in pineapples, gently breaks down plaque buildup while supporting healthy inflammation levels in gums. Enjoy fresh or frozen pineapple as a tooth-friendly treat.

3. Green tea

The polyphenols in green tea boast antibacterial properties that curb cavity-causing bacteria. Sipping sugar-free green tea may also neutralise oral acidity.

4. Nuts and seeds

Sunflower seeds, walnuts, and almonds, packed with Vitamin E, offer dental benefits beyond nutrition. The need for thorough chewing releases their rich flavours and acts as a natural gum massage, promoting saliva production for enhanced cleansing.

5. Vegetables

Enjoying crunchy veggies such as carrots, celery, cucumbers, bell peppers, and broccoli isn't just a tasty snack—it's like a natural toothbrush. These water-rich delights help cleanse plaque from teeth while their high water content dilutes acidic residues after meals, promoting a healthier and happier smile with every crunchy bite.

6. Fortified cereals and breads

Grains fortified with enamel-protecting minerals like calcium and phosphate make smart breakfast choices. Just check labels to avoid excess added sugars.

7. Sugarless gum

Chewing sugarless gum triggers saliva, naturally neutralising tooth-eroding acids and redepositing lost minerals into the enamel. Opt for xylitol-sweetened varieties for extra defence against cavities

Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Sensitive Teeth

As helpful foods can alleviate sensitivity, wrong dietary choices exacerbate painful symptoms. Not surprisingly, the key offenders tend to be acidic, erosive, sugary, or abrasive.

1. Carbonated beverages

The bubbles may be refreshing, but carbonated sodas, energy drinks, and sparkling water contain enamel-eroding acids, sometimes with off-the-charts pH levels. Regular consumption carves away precious enamel to kickstart sensitivity issues.

2. Fruits and fruit juice

Fruits have healthy attributes, but their naturally high acid content makes them risky for sensitive teeth. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, apples, and grapes can all worsen sensitivity. Dried fruits also stick to teeth. Even unsweetened fruit juice promotes acid erosion without the defensive effect of whole fruit fibre. Excess of fruit juices might lead you to take on the sensitivity treatment.

3. Sugar and sweets

Candy, cookies, cake, sugary breakfast cereals - we all love a sweet treat now and then. But added sugar feeds the cavity-causing bacteria lingering in your mouth, eventually leading to dental decay and sensitive spots. Excess sugar also indirectly causes erosion by lowering oral pH.

4. Pickles, vinegar, and salty snacks

Foods preserved in vinegar demineralize and soften vulnerable tooth enamel over time. Salt also erodes enamel, so limit pickles and salty packaged snack foods like chips, pretzels, and popcorn. Some dentists also suggest teeth whitening for sensitive teeth in case of any issues.

5. Ice and icy drinks

A steaming hot drink would trigger sensitive teeth, but so can straight-from-the-freezer ice water, slushies, frappes, and chilled wine. The abrupt temperature change penetrates deep into exposed dentin to irritate nerves. Have chilled drinks at room temperature instead.

6. Sticky dried fruit and candies

It’s not just sugar content that damages teeth, but how long the sugar remains in contact with them. Gummy candies, caramels, dried fruit leathers, and chewy granola bars cling to teeth, setting the stage for prolonged acid and sugar exposure that leads to cavities and sensitivity.

The Bottom Line

If you battle sensitive teeth, pay close attention to your daily diet. Prioritise fresh, whole foods over processed options whenever possible. Produce good saliva flow by chewing sugarless gum. Limit acidic fruits and beverages while enjoying sensitivity-safe foods like dairy, nuts, vegetables, and green tea. Avoid sweet and sticky culprits that feed cavity bacteria. Use Dabur Red Paste regularly to keep your teeth healthy. With smart, mindful adjustments, you can dial down dental discomfort and healthfully manage tooth sensitivity for life. 

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice.
