
8 Benefits of Pulling Oil and How to Use It

Oral Care


Are you taking the necessary precautions to preserve your dental hygiene? Do you still have tooth problems despite good oral hygiene?

Ayurveda advises oil pulling, also called Gandusha kriya, as a morning practice to remove microorganisms from the mouth and improve dental hygiene. Swishing the natural ingredient pulling oil about your teeth, tongue, and gums is the technique known as oil pulling. Although the idea of oil pulling may seem archaic, it was initially discussed in authentic traditional Ayurvedic literature millions of years ago.

Perhaps you've heard of oil pulling but are unsure of the proper technique. So, how can you benefit from this technique, and what are the steps to do oil pulling? Read on to learn the benefits of oil pulling.

What is Oil Pulling?

A small amount of natural ingredient pulling oil is used for "oil pulling," which is equivalent to swishing an Ayurvedic mouthwash around one's teeth and gums. 

Traditional practices describe Kavala, or oil pulling, as an oral cleaning process that involves holding a small quantity of oil such as Dabur Red Pulling Oil, the best oil for oil pulling, in the mouth and gurgling or drawing it between teeth, around the tongue, and the gums. 

Unlike gargling or swishing, Gandusha entails filling the mouth with oil and holding it there. Beyond only keeping the mouth clean, these techniques also strengthen the jaws and muscles in the oral cavity and improve general health

How to Do Oil Pulling in 4 Simple Steps?

Oil pulling is a simple process that requires a few basic stages, like:

● Measure out one tablespoon (15 millilitres) of your favourite natural ingredient pulling oil, such as Dabur Red Pulling Oil.

● Gently swirl it in your tongue for fifteen to twenty minutes, taking care not to swallow any. 

● After you're finished, spit the oil into a garbage container. Refrain from spitting it into the toilet or sink, as this might lead to an accumulation of oil and blockage.

● Thoroughly rinse your mouth with water before consuming any food or beverages.

Benefits of Oil Pulling

The benefits of oil pulling are as follows:

1. Reduce Harmful Bacteria In Your Oral Cavity

Plaque buildup, foul breath, and dental cavities are caused mainly by Streptococcus mutans, one of the many bacteria that exist in the mouth. The germs in your mouth can be considerably decreased by oil pulling for ten minutes every day for two weeks. Dabur Red Pulling Oil contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties as it is infused with sesame oil, coconut oil, Tulsi, clove, cinnamon oil, thyme mint, etc.

2. Can Reduce Bad Breath

Bad breath is caused by poor dental hygiene, dry mouth, or tongue coating, which occurs when germs become imprisoned on the tongue. Various bacteria in the mouth create chemicals and gases that cause foul breath. The use of natural ingredient pulling oil for oil pulling minimises the number of germs that cause bad breath.

3. Supports Detoxification

There is evidence of a link between dental hygiene and general well-being. It is stated that the state of your lips indicates the status of your belly. Daily oil pulling with Dabur Red Pulling Oil assists your body's natural detoxification process and improves the quality of saliva production by removing dangerous germs from your mouth.

4. Promotes Healthy Sinus

Oil pulling has various benefits for sinus health. Because the sinuses are so closely related to the oral cavity, keeping a healthy oral microbiota with oil pulling can help avoid bacterial sinus infections.

5. It May Reduce Gum Inflammation

Bacteria in plaque can also cause gingivitis, a gum condition in which your gums get inflamed and bleed. Oil pulling may help reduce gum disease inflammation by reducing microorganisms that cause gum disease. Coconut oil for oil pulling, in particular, contains anti-inflammatory qualities that may aid in the relief of irritated gums.

6. Good For Heart Health

The long-term advantages of oil pulling emphasise that traditional home medicine is also beneficial to heart health. Poor dental hygiene can contribute to heart disease. Oil for oil pulling increases the growth of beneficial bacteria in the saliva, allowing you to make better eating choices that can keep your heart healthy and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

7. Strengthen Teeth, Gums, And Jaws

Oil pulling may be thought of as an extension of conventional oral hygiene practices since it has the properties of an oil massage that strengthens gums, jaws, and teeth. Oil pulling benefits can be used as an effective preventative measure to maintain and improve dental health.

8. Oil Pulling Can Whiten Your Teeth

Some believe that oil pulling can whiten your teeth by drawing stains from the surface of the teeth. Oil pulling decreases plaque deposition and has the potential to whiten teeth, as plaque buildup can cause yellowing. However, it is a safe practice that is worth a go.


Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic medicine practice that promises to promote dental and general health. There are numerous oil pulling benefits, your oral health provider may recommend that you try it as long as you also brush, floss, and have regular dental check-ups. If you try oil pulling, make sure you use edible oil and gradually increase the length of your pulling sessions. 


What oil is most suitable for oil pulling?

While coconut oil is a common choice for oil pulling, another option is Dabur Red Pulling Oil, which incorporates Ayurvedic herbs and oils with antimicrobial properties effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Is it better to brush your teeth before or after oil pulling?

Typically, it is advised to brush your teeth after oil pulling to eliminate any lingering toxins or oil. However, some dental professionals suggest waiting at least 30 minutes before brushing to safeguard the enamel on your teeth.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice.