December 30, 2013

Dabur India Ltd Included In S&P BSE CARBONEX

Press release

New Delhi
Dabur India Ltd Included In S&P BSE CARBONEX
Monday, December 30, 2013
Marks acknowledgement of Dabur’s Sustainability initiatives
New Delhi, December 30, 2013: The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) has included Dabur India Ltd in the S&P BSE CARBONEX, the first of its kind index in India that recognizes companies that are committed to climate change mitigation. Dabur's inclusion in the index is an acknowledgement of the company's ongoing initiatives in sustainability.
"Climate change is on the increase and is shaping our Planet. Sustainability is embedded into every aspect of Dabur's culture and operations. Our aim is to make our own activities more sustainable and encourage our consumers, suppliers and others to do the same. While we aim to continuously grow our business, we wish to do so in a way that reduces our total Environmental impact. At Dabur, we depend on Nature for its bounty. We are equally conscious of giving back more than what we take from our environment, and so we have set ourselves an ambitious target to significantly minimize our impact on the Environment and in fact, help in replenishing the Planet. Dabur's inclusion in the S&P BSE Carbonex has given a big fillip to our commitment towards the Environment," Dabur India Ltd Chief Executive Officer Mr. Sunil Duggal said.
Dabur takes pride in positioning itself as an ecologically sensitive organisation. To make progressive strides and guide the organization in its endeavour, Dabur has deployed a dedicated team for devising and implementing strategies for managing these risks and opportunities. As a result of these efforts, 11 of its manufacturing units are already ISO 14001 certified for Environment Management Systems. Also, Dabur has attained Zero Waste Water Discharge status at 9 of our 12 production units and efforts are underway to achieve the same at the remaining 3 units. Details of Dabur's Environment Sustainability initiatives can be found on our website
The S&P BSE CARBONEX is a world class index that holistically incorporates strategies, disclosures, performance and action in areas of carbon emission to create a comprehensive benchmark that identifies a company's commitment to mitigate risks arising from climate change. The awareness of climate change due to emission of green houses gases in the corporate world and their initiatives to offset its adverse effects are going to be considered as one of the greatest and widest ranging market parameter which will be factored progressively in stock pricing in the years to come by the modern day efficient markets.
For Details :
Mr. Byas Anand Corporate Communications Dabur India Limited PH:- +91-120-3982000, 3001000 extn 2101/2508 Fax: +91-120-4374935


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