Mr. Mukesh Butani

Mr. Mukesh Butani is the founder of BMR Legal Advocates, an independent law firm specializing in Tax policy, Advocacy & Disputes, ranked amongst Tier 1 tax firms in India in independent surveys, by Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500 and Asia Law. He co-founded and was Chairman of BMR Advisors, amongst India's leading professional services firm, with competencies in the area of Tax & M&A Advisory services, which transitioned into Big 4 firms in August/ September 2017. Prior to that, he was leader of tax practice in Big 4 Accounting Firms. BMR Advisors featured in 2016 Harvard Business Case studies, taught in leading business schools in U.S. & IIMs in India.
With specialisation in corporate international tax and transfer pricing for over three decades, he has significant experience in advising Fortune 500 multinationals and large Indian business houses on a wide range of matters relating to trade & investment policy, business re-organisations, cross-border tax structuring, corporate international tax and controversy across a range of sectors.
He has several authorships to his credit - including works published by LexisNexis Butterworths, Tax Disputes Resolution - challenges and opportunities for India, with foreword by India's Finance Minister and Transfer Pricing - an Indian perspective, a treatise on Transfer Pricing Dispute Resolution for the Cambridge University Press. His other authorships include the Walters Kluwer CCH online guide to Transfer Pricing in Asia and India chapters on Business Restructurings, Customs Valuation and intragroup services all co-authored for the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD). He has contributed to Thomson Reuters 2017 global guide on Tax litigation. He contributed to chapter on Dispute Resolution mechanism in Asia in the publication of IBFD titled Asian Voices: BEPS and Beyond.
He participated in the Kelkar task force (2002) tax reforms and was a member of the Indian Ministry of Finance (MoF) committee on ecommerce taxation. He is often called upon by Indian Policy makers in general and in particular. Prime Ministers Economic Advisor/ Council for GST and International Tax Policy matters. He represented International Chamber of Commerce, Paris (ICC) on the MoF Standing Committee on TDS and Foreign Tax Credit. He served as member of expert task force on International Tax and Transfer Pricing set up by MoF. He has deposed before Parliamentary Standing Committee & other MoF committees of Indian Government on Direct Tax Code, including GAAR, Fll taxation, Indirect transfers, transfer pricing etc.
He was a member of Tax bureau of OECD- BIAC (2000- 2012), Permanent Scientific Committee of IFA (2012-2016) and is presently Chairman of IFA India branch and Vice Chairman of Taxation Commission of ICC Tax Commission, Paris.
Mr Mukesh is a Commerce graduate from the University of Bombay and holds a Bachelor's degree in Law. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1985 and practiced as a fellow member until 2010. Since then, he enrolled as an Advocate and is a member of Bar Council of Delhi. He has represented clients in several Income-tax Tribunals, High Courts and the Supreme Court of India. He has deposed as expert witness before foreign arbitral tribunals and courts.