Dabur Hommade Coconut Milk

Made from the first pressing extract of the best-grade coconuts available, Dabur Hommade Coconut milk has a rich flavour and thick feel that give your dishes a creamy texture. Made from the finest quality coconuts , it is sealed hygienically in a TetraPak pack and offers the complete goodness of Dabur Hommade quality and assurance.

Each 200 ml pack of Dabur Hommade coconut milk contains extract of two creamy coconuts. Our Hommade range is an inspiration for seasoned cooks, experimental folks who like to try cooking and aspiring chefs-to-be.

Dabur Hommade Coconut milk imparts consistent and creamy taste to your food making it a perfect ingredient for indian recipes

Great to use in:

Thai Curry, Coconut Fish Curry, Rice Payasam, Sol Kadi

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Brand offerings


Made From Finest Quality Coconuts

Thick , Creamy And Consistent

No Added Sugar

Packed In Aseptic Tetra Pack Ensuring 100% Purity