ESG Policy

As the world's largest Ayurvedic and Natural Healthcare Company, sustainability is embedded at every level of Dabur’s operating activities. Our business is committed not just towards profitable growth, but also towards leaving a deeper imprint on society as a whole and create a truly Green & Sustainable Enterprise. Our Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) policy is driven by this larger goal and vision.

Dabur has established a Board-level ESG Committee with an Independent Director as its member to provide oversight and strengthen our focus on environmental, social and governance matters.

The ESG Committee reports to the Board of Directors and its role includes:

Oversight and Strategy Development:

  • Oversee the Company’s ESG matters and formulate frameworks, strategies, activities, targets, regulatory matters, public advocacy and policies related to ESG.
  • Develop the Company’s ESG strategy with executive management and provide direction to measure and monitor progress.
  • Periodically review and approve ESG policies and its implementation, SOPs, and the Company’s stakeholder engagement plan around material ESG issues.

Monitoring and Performance Evaluation:

  • Monitor ESG ratings/scores from rating agencies, devise and implement improvement plans, and review the Company’s stated goals and performance against these goals.
  • Receive periodic updates from management on ESG trends, emerging topics, regulatory matters and key initiatives.

Risk and Opportunity Management:

  • Review and evaluate ESG risks and opportunities related to the Company’s activities, advising the Board on those that may materially affect the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program.

Communication and Disclosure:

  • Review and discuss the Company’s internal and external communication strategies regarding ESG matters with employees, investors, and other stakeholders.
  • Review disclosures in the Company’s sustainability and CSR reports on environmental and social initiatives and metrics.

Value Chain and Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Review the ESG governance framework over the value chain (suppliers, customers, consumers) and third parties, including the audit schedule for specific ESG compliances.
  • Receive feedback on ESG-related issues from key suppliers / customers.

Grievance Mechanism:

  • The ESG Committee oversight on the grievance redressal mechanism
  • The ESG Committee will be informed of concerns related to ESG matters raised through the Company’s whistle-blower (Direct Touch) mechanism and ensure appropriate measures are taken.

Focus Areas:

1. Environmental Commitments

As part of our strategy to combat Climate Change and transition to a Net Zero enterprise, we have taken the pledge to progressively reduce our Energy and Water Intensity. We have put in place measures to:

  • Promote use of renewable energy
  • Eliminate coal across our manufacturing units
  • Protect & Regenerate Nature
  • Responsible sourcing and no deforestation
  • Promote Sustainable Water Management both within our Operations and within the Community to become Water Positive
  • Promote Circular Economy to ensure a Waste-Free World
  • Reduce our impact of packaging by using environment-friendly packaging

2. Social Commitments

Dabur, as an entity, and our various brands will continue to address social inequalities as we work towards ensuring Health and Well-being of every Household. We are also committed to providing safe and fair working conditions for all employees. We focus on:

  • Respecting Human Rights & ensuring Fair Labour Practices through due diligence and risk assessment.
  • Promoting Equity, Diversity & Inclusion; and being an equal opportunity employer.
  • Ensuring Health & Safety of all employees.
  • Improving standards of living and quality of life of local communities.
  • Promoting Safe & Healthy products and ensuring highest product quality.
  • Ensuring positive nutrition impact through our products.

3. Governance

We are committed to maintaining the highest levels of ethical standards of integrity, corporate governance, and regulatory compliance. We focus on:

  • Conducting business in an ethical & transparent manner.
  • Transparently engaging with our diverse stakeholders, partners and proactively incorporating feedback into our ESG actions
  • Ensuring a robust Corporate Governance framework.
  • Data Privacy and Cybersecurity measures implementation
  • Publicly and transparently disclosing our sustainability performance in line with global reporting frameworks.
Recommended and approved by:
Approving Authority Version Date of Approval Effective Date
ESG Committee 2.0 12.07.2023 12.07.2023

Policies that guide our ESG commitments

S. No. Name of the Policy/Code Link
1. Code of Ethics and Conduct
2. Direct Touch
3. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
4. Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy
5. Environment Policy
6. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
7. Supplier Code of Conduct
8. Human Rights Policy
9. Biodiversity Policy
10. CSR Policy
11. Privacy Policy
12. Risk Management Policy
13. Food Safety Policy
14. Quality Policy
15. Ethical & Responsible Marketing Policy
16. Tax Responsibility Policy