Ayurveda and Science

Kalmegh/कालमेघ/Andrographis paniculata/Bhunimbh


Kalmegh Plant
Hindi Name: Kalmegh
Sanskrit Name: Bhunimbh
English Name: Kalmegh
Latin Name: Andrographis paniculata
It is an erect annual herb. Stem is dark green, quadrangular with longitudinal furrows and wings on the angles of the younger parts and slightly enlarged at the nodes. The leaves are glabrous, dark green, arranged opposite decussate, lanceolate and pinnat

Andrographis Paniculata Medicinal Uses

Digestive:Promotes Digestion 

Hepatoprotective: Protects the liver and gall bladder.

Vermicidal: Kills intestinal worms & support intestine.

Anti-acne: Protect skin from pimples. 

Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling and cuts down exudation from capillaries.

Antibacterial: Fights bacterial activity. Although Andrographis appears to have weak direct antibacterial action, it has remarkably beneficial effect in reducing diarrhea and symptoms arising from bacterial infections as recommended by ayurved in India.

Expectorant: Promotes mucus discharge from the respiratory system.

Hypoglycemic: Blood sugar reducer.Immune Enhancement.

Laxative: Aids bowel elimination

Chemical Composition

Bitter diterpenoid lactones esp deoxy andrographaloid; andrographaloid and ncoandrographaloids have been isolated from the plant leaves. Diterpene dimmers and flavonoids are present in the roots. The main active compound is considered to be andrographaloid and Andrographis extract.

Effect on

Pacifies Kapha and Pitta.
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This plant of liliaceae family has a stem, which is more then a meter tall with leaves present in the bottom half of the stem. Flowers are replaced by bulblets, which are glaborous, whitish or with a reddish tinge. Flowering is during May to July.


A perennial herb with long tough rootstock emerging in the rainy season in many parts of the world including India. Rhizome of the plant is used for its medicinal properties.

Shalparni Plant

An erect branched undershrub with a short woody stem and numerous prostrate branches found throughout India as forest undergrowth in dry forests upto 900m elevation. Tender aerial parts of the plant are used in Ayurveda for various formulations.

Punarnava Plant

A perennial creeping herb emerging in rainy season throughout the country. Leaves and roots of the plant are used medicinally.


An annual delicate herb cultivated extensively in tropical climate of the country. It is also planted in kitchen garden and as an indoor plant since it is kept sacred in Hindu philosophy. Medicinally the leaves are used for various kind of classical and h